No Need To Be Afraid Of Testing Until Isoman If Close Contact With COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - To all residents who accidentally have close contact with COVID patients. Get tested immediately so that the virus can be prevented. Don't be afraid if you have to be isoman.

"We ask the public not to be afraid to do testing, especially those who have a history of close contact with COVID-19 patients," said the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, Friday, February 18.

The Ministry of Health also appeals to the public not to be afraid to undergo quarantine or self-isolation (isoman) because the Ministry of Health provides telemedicine services and consultations with health workers at community health centers (puskesmas) to monitor the health development of residents.

Communities in isoman and centralized isolation are provided with free health consultation services either through the telemedicine platform or from health workers at the puskesmas.

The Ministry of Health also provides free drug and multivitamin packages for isoman and centrally isolated patients so they can recover quickly.

"We urge the public to collaborate in prevention efforts, such as cooperating with testing and tracing, as well as strengthening health protocols to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19," Nadia said as quoted by Antara.

Nadia also asked the public to immediately complete the vaccination and vaccinate with a booster dose when it is time to receive a booster vaccine.

He said testing activities and close contact tracing were very important in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Internally, the hospital can arrange alternating schedules for health workers assigned to the COVID-19 care section and can also mobilize health workers from other units to assist COVID-19 care services.

"We also provide shuttle transportation and accommodation for staff, reduce or delay non-emergency services, and increase telemedicine services," said Nadia.

Health workers and doctors who are carrying out isoman due to OTG, will be able to be assisted to carry out telemedicine consultations for COVID-19 patients who are carrying out isoman.

Furthermore, the hospital's external strategy is carried out by mobilizing volunteers such as co-assistant (koas) and people who are undergoing the Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS), coordinating with professional organizations in providing backup staff to help.

Hospitals can also mobilize hospital health personnel from areas of low to high COVID-19 cases, mobilizing final students in health education institutions, especially assisting in administration.

In addition, hospitals can mobilize health workers who work in non-health facilities or health administrations to help treat COVID-19 patients under the umbrella of practice permit regulations.