Police Intervene To Investigate Allegations That The Puskesmas Gave Wrong Medicine, Instead They Gave Ears For The Eyes

JAKARTA - Padang City Police, West Sumatra Police are investigating a case of suspected wrong drug administration that occurred at the Ulak Karang Health Center. As a result, a 12 year old child had an eye infection.

The case process was carried out by the Padang Police, armed with a complaint report received from the victim's parents in December 2021.

"We have received the report from the victim, now it is being processed to collect information and evidence," said Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Padang Police, Kompol Rico Fernanda, in Padang, Thursday, February 18, quoted from Antara.

The police have asked for information from the victim's parents as a reporter, and the Ulak Karang Health Center. According to him, the case reports experienced by the victim's child that resulted in an eye infection were related to the Health Act.

Previously, the incident of giving the wrong drug was known to occur in March 2021, when the victim's child complained of itching in his left eye.

Because he was worried about his son's condition, the victim named Muniarti took the child to the Ulak Karang Health Center for a medical examination. When at the puskesmas, the doctor finally checked and gave a prescription for drugs to be redeemed to the pharmacist at the puskesmas.

However, after three days the victim's child's eye condition worsened, so the victim went to another pharmacy to look for other drugs. That's when it was discovered that the drops that were previously given by the Ulak Karang Health Center were not for the eyes, but for the ears with the Reco brand.

It is suspected that there had been negligence when prescribing the drug, because from the investigation of the victim who was accompanied by the Padang Legal Aid Institute (LBH) it was found that the Reco branded drug product consisted of two types, namely ear drops and eye drops.

Not accepting the condition experienced by the child, finally the family accompanied by LBH Padang made a report to the Padang Police and the West Sumatra Ombudsman Representative.

Until now, the victim has taken her child for treatment to a number of hospitals, doctors, and clinics in the hope that the child's eye can be cured. But until now the condition of the victim's child's eye has not improved.

Until this news was revealed, the Head of the Ulak Karang Health Center, Dr. Celsia Dasrun, had yet to respond to a request for confirmation.