Budiman Sudjatmiko Emphasizes The Importance Of Blockchain In The Data-Based Digital Political Era

JAKARTA - Currently, world politics is entering the era of democracy based on data or data. All processes absorb aspirations to make political decisions that will later be based on digital data.

Chairman of Indonesian Innovators 4.0, Budiman Sudjatmiko, explained, in the era of big data or giant data, conventional democracy may be abandoned and replaced by data.

It is predicted that the data will produce political policies that are more accurate, precise and in line with expectations because in the process of collecting data through the process, analysis and visualization stages with the help of artificial intelligence.

"In the future there will be no more political people, only artificial intelligence that fulfills the hopes and aspirations of the people," he said.

The 98 student movement activist also offered a political middle ground in the era of the datakrasi, namely Trisakti ABC. According to him, the idea could be an alternative about the future of the country amid technological developments.

The Trisakti ABC concept includes three important ideas consisting of 3A (natural, basic, eternal), 3B (giving, data, empowered), and 3C (love, mind, creativity). Meanwhile, 3A is related to movements in harmony with nature, equitable economic access, and sustainability.

Then 3B is related to sufficient community income, guaranteed data rights, and access to self-development, while 3C is related to the emergence of a rich generation of futuristic ideas and the ability to create innovations presented to the wider community.

According to Budiman, each individual can become a data center, server and running WiFi which he calls the internet of me in the era of digital democracy based on data or data.

However, individuals must have the right to data generated from themselves that are used by other parties for various purposes.

In the second 'B' which is data, there are community level implementations and individual level implementations that are integrated into data chain technology (blockchain).

"Blockchain is a combination of technology between computer brains and internet technology so that we can conduct 'data gathering' for common interests and mutual benefits," said the initiator of the Village Law.

In addition, blockchain can also be used as a digital shield to protect the personal rights of individuals as the internet itself.

"Why don't we apply blockchain for communities and the internet for individuals?" he said.

An example of implementation in data is the Digital Citizen Lab, which is a space for public and local government collaboration in creating data-based digital innovations.

"The products produced can be in the form of technology products, policies, academy texts, infographics, and others," said Budiman.

Digital Citizen Lab uses various types of data for research, such as social media data, basic statistical data, sensors, spatial data, news data and others.