In Landak District, West Kalimantan, There Are No Longer Villages With Very Disadvantaged Status

LANDAK - The Independent Village Index (IDM) in Landak Regency will increase in 2021. This means that there are no more disadvantaged villages.

Head of the Department of Community Empowerment and Village Administration, Landak Regency, Mardimo, said the increase in IDM was based on the decision of the Director General of Village and Rural Development.

For West Kalimantan, IDM status has been achieved in 2021, namely 385 independent villages, 456 developed villages, 910 developing villages, 280 underdeveloped villages and zero for very underdeveloped villages.

"Meanwhile in Landak Regency in 2021 when compared with the results of the 2020 survey, it can be concluded that the results of the IDM have increased the number of independent villages by 8 villages, developed villages by 20 villages," said Mardimo in Ngabang, West Kalimantan Province, Antara, Thursday. February 17th.

Mardimo also said that by 2022 the Landak Regency had determined several villages to be upgraded to become independent villages.

"This year, Landak Regency has set 6 target villages to become independent, namely North Amboyo village, Mandor village, Semuntik village, Anik Dingir village, Tonang village, and Pawis Hilir village. In addition to targeting independent villages, the Landak Regency Government hopes for an increase in village status for all villages in the Landak Regency," he said.

In the same place, the Expert staff of the Landak Regent for Government, Law and Politics, the Hedgehog Regional Secretariat, Nikolaus, to maximize IDM in Landak, his party has distributed the 2022 Village Building Index (IDM) questionnaire.

Nikolaus said that with the IDM, the progress and independence of the village could be explained through an assessment and by classifying the dimensions of the indicators that formed the village index in the previous year and based on the consideration of the local government's proposal.

"The classification method must of course be sensitive to the very diverse characteristics of the village, not only in terms of physical geography but also related to the values, culture and level of initiative of the village community," he said.

He added that the Regent of Landak Karolin Margret Natasa greatly appreciated the villages that had succeeded in improving the status of their villages and asked the village assistants to continue to provide assistance to realize the common goal of independent villages.

"The Landak Regent also greatly appreciates the villages that have succeeded in achieving an increase in their village status. The success and smooth updating of the developing village index (IDM) achieved in 2021 is the result of joint collaboration," he said.

He said, to professional assistant experts and village assistants as well as local village assistants, I ask to provide maximum assistance to villages in filling out this IDM data in stages, so that our common goal is to improve the status of villages in Landak Regency according to facts and field data can be realized.