Divorce Official From Jonathan Frizzy, Dhena Devanka: I'm So Relieved

JAKARTA - Dhena Devanka is officially divorced from Jonathan Frizzy, after receiving a decision from the South Jakarta Religious Court today, Thursday, February 17. He said he was satisfied with the result because he got custody of his three children, namely Zoe Joanna Frizzy Simanjuntak, Zac Jaden Frizzy Simanjuntak and Zayn Jowden Frizzy Simanjuntak.

"I'm really relieved, this is what I want, I'm more concerned with child custody, because as a mother, which mother wants to be separated from her child, my closeness to the children is extraordinary," said Dhena when met by VOI in court. South Jakarta Religion.

Apart from having child custody, Dhena is also entitled to a living allowance for her children from Jonathan of IDR 30 million per month with an increase of 10% per year. After this he will focus on raising his child and continue to work with Jonathan for the affairs of the baby's education.

"After this I will focus on raising our three children because their future is the most important for me. I also pray for ijonk to get a better partner, who will later become the mother of the children," she said.

This divorce is recognized by Dhena as an experience as well as a life lesson, so that in the future it can be even better. She admits that as a woman as well as a mother, she certainly has made mistakes while building a household with Jonathan.

"Maybe I, as a wife, may also make a lot of mistakes, maybe I should do a lot of self-introspection and yes, this is a life lesson for me," he concluded.

After the divorce decision from the South Jakarta Religious Court, then it's just a matter of waiting for Jonathan's side to accept the decision or appeal within the next 14 days.

The attorney for the artist, who is familiarly called Ijonk, stated that he was ready to appeal because he did not agree with the child support costs of Rp. 30 million and child custody that fell to Dhena Devanka. However, the decision is still under discussion with Ijonk.