Enovid Nose Sanitizer Officially Enters Indonesia, DNR Distribution Appointed As Sole Distributor

JAKARTA - Enovid Nose Sanitizer, the first nasal spray that has been clinically proven to be able to kill viruses in the upper respiratory tract, has officially entered Indonesia. This can be seen in the issuance of permits for External Medical Devices (AKL) that have been registered with the Ministry of Health. The official importer of Enovid is Pt. Laniros, a company engaged in the national health sector.

During the press conference for the official launch of Enovid products in Indonesia, Laniros announced a 'strategic partnership' between Enovid and DNR Distribution (ZBRA), in which DNR Distribution (ZBRA) was appointed as the sole distributor of Enovid products.

"DNR Distribution (ZBRA) has been engaged in the distribution of medical devices since 1963. This company has distribution branches in all provinces, which we feel can help spread this product. We believe that with the DNR partnership, Enovid can be distributed nationally throughout Indonesia "said Elizabeth Paul as director of Laniros in a statement, Thursday 17 February.

Enovid itself is a product developed by a Canadian company, Sanotize. Sanotize has released the results of a Phase 3 clinical trial that has been completed with good results, namely reducing the "viral load" by 95 percent within 24 hours, and 99 percent within 72 hours.

Reduction of viral load was evident in RT-PCR screening of exposed patients. In the completed phase 3 clinical study awaiting journal publication, patients with mild, comorbid, elderly, and unvaccinated COVID-19 exposure were included in the group of patients tested in the phase 3 clinical study.

Enovid contains Nitri Oxide in therapeutic concentrations and it is this formulation that is patented and named Nitrix Oxide Releasing Solution or NORM. Enovid has been used in other countries as a health tool that can protect its people from all types of viruses, including COVID-19.