Don't Get The Wrong Idea, Kominfo Confirms Not To Be Involved In Termination Of Wadas Melawan Twitter Access

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) ensures that the government does not cut off access to the Twitter account @Wadas_Melawan, which was detected as suspended since Wednesday, February 16.

Spokesman for the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Dedy Permadi, said that his party remains committed to protecting the rights of citizens by following applicable regulations.

"In the Wadas issue, we emphasize that the Ministry of Communication and Information does not cut off access to the Twitter account @Wadas_Melawan. The Ministry of Communications and Informatics remains committed to continuing to uphold the protection of citizens' rights in accordance with applicable laws and regulations," said Dedy in his short message, Antara, Thursday. , February 17th.

Dedy explained that an account so that content on social media could be suspended or terminated by social media service providers for several reasons.

Although the government can also ask social media service providers to delete accounts or content, there are other reasons that can cause something similar to happen.

The reasons include reporting by other social media users or finding violations by users on the platform manager's policies.

The cleaning of digital spaces carried out by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics is based on statutory regulations and also reports from the public or related government institutions.

Some of the content that has been cut off includes misinformation content, pornographic content, and content that contains elements of SARA which are negatively charged

Meanwhile, for the case of the development of the Wadas issue, the Ministry of Communication and Information has ensured that it will not terminate the content or access to the @Wadas_Melawan twitter account.

Previously, the @Wadas_Melawan account on Twitter on Wednesday, February 16 was observed to have been suspended. However, it seems that now the account can be accessed again with the latest upload discussing the arrival of KH Ahmad Said Asrori as a representative from PBNU.