Dear Indra Kenz, Who Said That He Is Still In Turkey, The Criminal Investigation Unit Has Made An Examination Schedule For Friday, February 18th

JAKARTA - Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Indonesian National Police have scheduled an investigation into Indra Kenz (IK), an influencer who acts as an affiliate of the Binary Option Application for Binomo, regarding reports of fraudulent investment fraud, Friday (18/2).
"About IK will be questioned on Friday, February 18 2022, at 10:00 WIB," said Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the Police Brigadier General Pol Ahmad Ramadhan in Jakarta, Thursday, February 17.
Ramadhan explained that the investigation into the fraudulent investment fraud case under the guise of the Binomo binary option application had examined 15 witnesses consisting of nine victim witnesses, three general witnesses, and three expert witnesses.
"The expert witnesses consist of ITE experts, Bappepti, and the Investment Alert Task Force," he said.
Meanwhile, Indra Kenz submitted a request for a postponement of the examination to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police for health reasons.
Indra Kenz's attorney, Wardaniman Larosa, said his client was undergoing treatment abroad. The treatment had been scheduled in advance before the examination schedule from Bareskrim.
The Director of Special Economic Crimes (Dir Tipideksus) of the Indonesian National Police, Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan, confirmed that he would continue to investigate Indra Kenz as scheduled.
"On schedule (February 18)," said Whisnu.
If Indra Kenz was not present, Whisnu said investigators were working according to the Criminal Procedure Code. If the first call is not fulfilled, a second call will be sent.
"According to the Criminal Procedure Code, the call did not come once, did not come 2 times, was taken 3 times," said Whisnu.
It was previously reported that a number of victims of Binomo's fraudulent investment reported Indra Kenz to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, with alleged violations of Article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (2) and/or Article 45 A paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 28 paragraph (1) of Law No. 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE), Article 3, Article 5 and Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering (TPPU), Article 378 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code.
Currently the investigation is ongoing. A total of nine victims have been questioned. From the results of the examination of the victims, investigators found that the temporary nominal value of the total losses suffered by the victims reached Rp. 3.8 billion.
In details, the eight victims examined by investigators each with the initials MN who suffered a loss of IDR 540 million, LN lost IDR 51 million, RSS lost IDR 60 million, FNS lost IDR 500 million, FA lost IDR 1.1 billion, EK lost IDR 1.3 billion, AA a loss of Rp. 3 million, and RHH a loss of Rp. 300 million.
During the examination of the victims, information was obtained that the Binomo application or website that promised profits of 80 percent to 85 percent of the value or open trade funds determined by each trader or victim.
The modes used are various, one of which is by looking at the promotions spread by the reported person Indra Kenz and his friends through the social media channels of YouTube, Instagram, and Telegram.
Reportedly, Indra Kenz, through his social media account, offers an advantage through the Binomo Trading application (Binary option) that Binomo is legal and official in Indonesia.
The Reported Party teaches trading strategies in the application and continues to show off the results of their profits, then the victim joins from the profitable ones until they always lose.
As is known, Binomo is one of the trading applications that was blocked by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (CoFTRA) of the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag). A total of 1.22 Commodity Futures Trading (PBK) sites and 92 binary options domains were prosecuted throughout 2021.