Strengthening The Economy, Yenny Wahid Is Ready To Bring Middle Eastern Investors To Indonesia

JOMBANG - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) female figure Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh or Yenny Wahid emphasized that she is now concentrating on establishing relations with countries in the Middle East, with the hope that Middle Eastern investors will be able to enter Indonesia. Middle Eastern countries, so yes for peace and investment from the Middle East to Indonesia. Yesterday I just met with Emirati businessmen who want to enter Indonesia," he said while in Jombang, East Java, Wednesday, February 16. He explained that now is the time to focus on building relations even better for potential Indonesian investors.

"I take a lot of time to build better relations, because we see that there is still a lack of investment from the Arab world in Indonesia. I really want to play a role in this, so that I can bring more goodness to the community, at least if there is investment it will be created. Yenny Wahid participated in a pilgrimage carried out by PBNU ranks and PWNU administrators throughout Indonesia to the graves of NU muassis (founders) in Jombang, namely KH Hasyim Asyari, KH Bisri Syansuri and KH Wahab Hasbullah . This activity was carried out in a series of the 99th birthday of Nahdlatul Ulama which was held in Surabaya and Bangkalan. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also organized an international webinar "Investment of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to Indonesia: Acceleration of Investment from the Middle East", on Wednesday (9/2). The activity was held aimed at gathering input on experiences regarding Middle East investment, as well as advancing Indonesia's economic relations, especially from the UAE. Acting Head of the Foreign Policy Strategy Agency (BSKLN) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Teuku Faizasyah conveyed that there are many opportunities for the business community in the UAE and the Middle East to increase their investment in Indonesia. This was also agreed by the Director General of Asia Pacific and Africa, Ambassador Abdul Kadir Jaelani. "The closeness of the people's leaders of the two countries shows the strategic value of the UAE for Indonesia. Relations between the two countries are expected to improve further with the I-UAE CEPA which is in the negotiation process and has been ratified. The Bilateral Investment Treaty between Indonesia and the UAE last year," said Director General of Asia Pacific and Africa Ambassador Abdul Kadir Jaelani quoted from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website. Indonesia hopes that investment from the Middle East will not only be made in the hydro-carbon sector, but also in renewable energy. port management, construction of logistics centers to store-chains. Challenges such as land provision, licensing, regulatory transition and local content issues remain. However, this can be overcome with optimism in developing business and maintaining good relations between the two countries.