North Sumatra Police Delegates Empty Vaccine Injection Cases In Medan To The Prosecutor's Office

MEDAN - The North Sumatra Police immediately transferred the case file of the empty vaccine injection case involving an unscrupulous TGA doctor to the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati).

"Investigators are completing the case file for phase one to the North Sumatran Attorney General's Office," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police Kombes Hadi Wahyudi in Medan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

Hadi said that Dr. Gita had been examined twice. The case file will then be sent to the prosecutor's office.

"We are trying to send it on Thursday or Friday at the latest to the North Sumatra Attorney General's Office," he said.

Kombes Hadi explained that there are two victims of the alleged empty vaccine injection at the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Elementary School. Both are students at the school.

"From the results of the laboratory examination of the blood samples of the two Wahidin Elementary School students, no vaccine was found in their bodies. The blood samples were non-reactive," he said.

Hadi said that in this case investigators have examined more than 20 witnesses, ranging from experts to victims.

"The suspects in the case of empty vaccine injections are subject to Article 14 paragraph 1 of Law Number 4 of 1984 concerning Infectious Disease Outbreaks. They have been designated as suspects and have been summoned by investigators from the North Sumatra Police," said Kombes Hadi.