COVID-19 Cases Rise, ASN And Worker Activities In Balikpapan Restricted

BALIKPAPAN - The Balikpapan City Government, East Kalimantan, has restricted travel activities outside the region for state civil servants (ASN), within the local municipal government and company workers to anticipate a spike in COVID-19 cases in the area.

The Mayor of Balikpapan, Rahmad Mas'ud, said that those who were going out of the area could postpone the activity if it was not for an important matter.

"Restrictions on travel outside the region also apply to company workers," he said in Balikpapan, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, February 16.

The local municipal government asked the company to be held accountable for cases of COVID-19 transmission in the area, many of which came from these circles.

"The city government demands accountability from the company because so far, many cases in Balikpapan have come from companies, especially oil and gas companies," he said.

The policy follows up on the direction of the central government which asks local governments to optimize their efforts to prevent the spread of the corona virus.

All companies are urged to be more disciplined in conveying to employees not to travel outside the region if there is no urgent interest.

However, if you have to travel outside the area, it is expected that the employee concerned will self-isolate for at least three days.

"The employee must also carry out a health check which will be attached when returning to work," he said. Rahmad Mas'ud invites all parties to help the government suppress the spread of the virus because according to instructions from February to March 2022 there was a peak increase in cases.

The success of suppressing the transmission of the virus at this time will allow the community to carry out activities more freely on Eid al-Fitr or at least the local area is in the Level 1 category of Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"We want to get rid of the impression that is on social media, including when the fasting month and holidays increase, there is an increase in cases of the corona virus," he said.