North Sumatra Police Issue Third Call For Crazy Rich Medan Indra Kenz

MEDAN - The team from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditkrimsus) of the North Sumatra Police has rescheduled the summons of Indra Kesuma or Indra Kenz.

Director of Special Crimes, Polda Sumut Kombes John Charles Edison Nababan said the rescheduling was the third time, after 2 absenteeism from summons. The plan is that the third summons will be sent next week for clarification.

"We will schedule a third invitation next week for clarification," said Kombes John on Wednesday, February 16.

Indra Kenz's summons was based on the report of a man with the initials RA, who reported the Binomo application called online gambling to the North Sumatra Police in 2020.

This case began when RA invested as much as Rp45 million. RA then felt cheated because it did not meet expectations.

Apart from Indra Kenz, RA also reported on Fakar Suhartami. But the North Sumatra Police just summoned Indra. Meanwhile, the summons for Fakar has not yet been issued.

"This is still an investigation process, so (Indra) will still be invited back," he said.