Anticipating The Spike In COVID-19, The Riau Islands DPRD Asks The PPKM Command Post To Be Reactivated

RIAU ISLANDS - Riau Islands Provincial DPRD (Kepri) member Wahyu Wahyudin asked the COVID-19 Handling Task Force to reactivate the village/kelurahan level PPKM posts following the current spike in cases. because there is a possibility that the spread of COVID-19 cases has slowed for several weeks. "Recently, active COVID-19 cases have been increasing. The village/kelurahan PPKM post must be reactivated," said Wahyudin in Tanjungpinang, Tuesday, February 15. He suggested that the COVID-19 Task Force 19 at the sub-district, district/city, and provincial levels to improve coordination and supervision of PPKM post activities in villages/kelurahan. The village/kelurahan posts, he said, are still the frontline and spearhead in controlling the transmission of COVID-19, because they are in direct contact with Public.

"Supervision of health protocols and data collection on village/kelurahan residents who need COVID-19 treatment needs to be further strengthened," he added. Furthermore, the member of Commission IV also urged the public to improve health protocol discipline and follow a two-dose vaccination program to boosters to avoid Moreover, according to the researchers, the symptoms of Omicron tend to be mild, but certain groups must still be wary of, such as the elderly, comorbid sufferers, children, and have not been vaccinated," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Riau Islands Provincial Health Office, Bisri, said the number of daily active cases of COVID-19 in the area continued to increase to 785 people. Two regions experienced a significant increase in cases, namely Batam and Tanjungpinang. Bisri said that the spread of cases was dominated by 65 percent of travel outside the region, such as Jakarta, Pekanbaru and Medan. Then, about two percent came from overseas travel. "About 30 percent of local transmissions occur, but the clusters are difficult to detect. So, there is a possibility that someone was exposed while in public places, such as markets," said Bisri.