Erick Thohir: Do Not Let Pilkada Become A Failure In Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery, Erick Thohir, asked each pair of candidates for regional head to apply strict health protocols.

This is because the potential for COVID-19 transmission in the process of holding regional head elections is very open. For that, the implementation of health protocols must be considered.

"The success of the Pilkada should not be a failure in handling COVID-19. Because there is no meaning in the Pilkada but the handling of COVID has failed," said Erick while attending a health protocol campaign at Polda Metro Jaya, Thursday, September 10.

Then, the pair of candidates are expected to remind their supporters to keep implementing health protocols. So, it can help deal with the fatalities of people affected by COVID-19.

"We expect maximum support from the prospective candidates who will compete in the political contestation," he said.

The Polda Metro Jaya is holding a health protocol campaign ahead of the 2020 regional elections (Pilkada) simultaneously. The event aims to increase public awareness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At the event entitled 'Simultaneous Distribution of Masks, Campaign to Keep Distance, Avoid Crowds in the Context of a Safe, Peaceful and Healthy 2020 Pilkada and Pilkada Operation' was attended by several officials such as Deputy Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Moch Fachrudin.

Then, Deputy Chief of Police, Komjen Pol Gatot Eddy Pramono, Head of BNPB Doni Monardo, Minister of BUMN Erick Thohir, Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan to representatives of KPU, MUI, and Pilkada candidate pairs (Paslon).

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that to increase public awareness, his party distributed five million masks. The distribution is carried out simultaneously in its jurisdiction

"Today for Polda Metro Jaya alone, five million masks will be distributed to 13 Polres simultaneously, all within the jurisdiction of Polda Metro Jaya," said Yusri.