Tulungagung Satpol Raids Boarding House Allegedly For Obscenity

TULUNGAGUNG - The Civil Service Police Unit of Tulungagung Regency, East Java, conducted a raid on a number of boarding houses that were misused by couples outside of marriage to commit lewd acts.

The raid operation, which began at 21.00 WIB, Tuesday, February 15, targeted a number of rented boarding houses suspected of being the hangout for women who are involved in prostitution, as well as other out of wedlock couples.

As a result, six couples out of wedlock were successfully raided.

"We are combing through several boarding houses which are allegedly often misused," said the Head of Regional Regulation Enforcement and the Tulungagung Satpol PP Perbup, Artista Nindya Putra, quoted by Antara.

Several couples who were raided were reportedly trying to hide when they were raided by officers. Some were hiding above the ceiling, in the bathroom and some were hiding behind the door when the officers entered.

"All those who were caught were brought to the Satpol PP office for guidance," he said.

Apart from being asked to sign a statement letter, the perverted couple, some of whom were still teenagers, were given guidance by calling their parents and village heads from their respective areas of origin.

According to the officer, the summoning of parents and village officials from the area of origin of the perverts was aimed at fostering as well as providing a deterrent effect.

Sanctions are also imposed on boarding house owners who are caught renting rooms by the hour for hidden prostitution facilities for boarding house residents.

"While we have the owner's phone number, we will call tomorrow," said Genot, Artista Nindya Putra's close nickname.