Task Force Calls Population Mobility This Week Highest Since The Beginning Of The Pandemic

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, revealed that the level of mobility or population movement this week was the highest since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, currently the third wave of COVID-19 cases due to the spread of the Omicron variant is still occurring.

"With the condition of cases that are still experiencing an increase, the mobility trend, although fluctuating, has actually reached its highest level, even the highest since the beginning of the pandemic," said Wiku in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, February 15.

Wiku explained that mobility in office areas and public transportation was higher than before the second spike in cases due to the Delta variant.

Then, mobility in shopping centers, retail locations, recreation, and parks, the level of mobility is still on par with the 2021 Eid al-Fitr period, which occurred just before the second spike in cases.

According to Wiku, although last week's mobility trend had shown a decline, this high level of mobility needs to be taken into account.

"Moreover, the provinces that contribute the highest cases in Java-Bali are mostly agglomeration areas with high inter-regional mobility," he said.

Wiku said that this high mobility does not only need to be suppressed, but also needs to be controlled and ensured that the existing mobility is carried out safely. Bearing in mind, the community needs to do activities productively but still be safe from COVID-19.

"Ensuring safe mobility can be done by continuing to apply the 3M health protocol discipline, conducting strict screening both with travel conditions tests and the use of PeduliLindung so that the movement of positive people who can infect many others can be avoided," he added.