KPK Meeting With Central Sulawesi Governor To Discuss Corruption Eradication

PALU - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held a meeting with local governments in the Central Sulawesi (Sulteng) region to discuss the prevention and eradication of corruption in that area.
"Local governments should avoid bribes regarding filling positions, bribes regarding permits, bribes regarding procurement of goods and services and others," added KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar, at a coordination meeting for the integrated corruption eradication program in Palu, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, February 15.
Lili became a leadership element representing the KPK in the coordination meeting of the corruption eradication program. In the meeting, Lili appealed to local governments to avoid and prevent bribery, related to positions, licensing, procurement of goods and services, including budget planning in the preparation of the APBD.
The Corruption Eradication Commission, through Lili, appealed to the regional government to fully comply with the statutory provisions in the preparation of the APBD related to regional budget planning.
Including, the APBD is discussed and determined on time, for the sake of regional development and the welfare of the community.
"This must be carefully observed, so that there is no budget deficit, which can then have an impact on default," he added.
Lili also explained that based on KPK data, from 2017 to 2021, there were 500 complaints received by the KPK regarding regional development carried out by the regional government in the Central Sulawesi region.
The KPK, said Lili, appreciates the people who have complained directly to the KPK regarding indications of violations committed in the regional development process.
The KPK also appealed to the regional government in the Central Sulawesi region to improve the governance of state assets or property managed by the regional government.
In this regard, the Governor of Central Sulawesi, Rusdy Mastura, on that occasion said that related to preventing corruption, his party will optimize the coordination meeting every three months, related to regional development.
"We will do this every three months, we have a meeting together, we will fix everything," said the Governor.