Secretary General Of Golkar: ARB Statement Affirms Airlangga's Candidate Is Non-Negotiable

JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the Golkar Party, Lodewijk Freidrich Paulus, responded to the statement by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Aburizal Bakrie (ARB), who would install a body if there were internal parties that interfered with the nomination of General Chair Airlangga Hartarto in the 2024 presidential election.

According to Lodewijk, the ARB statement confirms that Airlangga's candidacy as a presidential candidate for 2024 is absolute, aka non-negotiable.

"What I caught him said was that it was the mandate of the 2019 National Conference. It is the mandate of the 2021 National Meeting which is non-negotiable that Airlangga is the presidential candidate from the Golkar Party," said Lodewijk at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 15. .

Lodewijk denied that Aburizal's statement at the Rapimda and Rakerda in Lampung indicated that there were differences in attitudes and opinions within the Beringin party.

"What we see is not whether or not there is internal noise," he said.

The Deputy Speaker of the DPR assessed that ARB wanted all Golkar party cadres to obey and consistently follow the National Conference's decision regarding Airlangga's nomination as a presidential candidate.

"He wants to say, let's be consistent and focus that this is the mandate of the National Conference and this is the mandate of the National Meeting. Because the Golkar party is the place to make the highest decisions at the National Conference. That's all he said, nothing else," said Lodewijk.

Previously, the chairman of the Golkar Party's DPP Board of Trustees, Aburizal Bakrie. He emphasized that he would install a body if there were internal parties that interfered with Airlangga Hartarto's candidacy.

"I will install the body, if there is an internal disturbance that interferes with Airlangga's candidacy as a candidate for President of Golkar. Once again I reiterate that no one should play on other people's drums. We'd better play our own drums. So remember that, yes, we have to be solid, because solidly we can win," said Aburizal in his written statement, Sunday, February 13.