SMRC Survey: PDIP And Gerindra Compete For Champion In West Java

JAKARTA - The survey institute Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) noted that the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) would be the party with the largest number of votes in West Java if elections were held now. However, the Gerindra Party continues to squeeze the votes of the white muzzle party.

In the percentage of survey results, SMRC Program Manager Saidiman Ahmad, explained that in a semi-open simulation of 18 parties, PDIP currently has 16 percent of the votes in West Java.

"There is a tight competition with Gerindra with 14.8 percent of the vote," said Saidiman in the release of a survey entitled 'Parties, Governors, and the President: West Java's Public Views' which was released online in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 15.

Meanwhile, he continued, PKS was in third place with 9.2 percent, followed by Golkar with 8.1 percent, Democrats with 5.9 percent and PKB with 5.1 percent. "Meanwhile, other parties are below 3 percent," he said.

Saidiman said support for PDIP is currently quite stable compared to the 2019 election results which got 14.3 percent. While other parties tend to decline.

"The vote acquisition for each party is still open to change considering that there are still 32.7 percent of the people of West Java who have not made a choice," said Saidiman.

This survey was conducted by telephone interview on 5-8 February 2022. The total sample collected by trained data collectors reached 801 respondents. The sample was randomly selected from the population of West Java residents aged 17 years and over or married and had a telephone/cellphone.

The data was weighted so that the demographic profile of the sample was proportional to the population resulting from the census. The survey's margin of error is estimated at +/- 3.5 percent at the 95 percent confidence level, assuming simple random sampling.