Several Meetings Canceled Due To COVID-19, Baleg Leader: DPR Is Not Safe

JAKARTA - The DPR RI News Bureau has canceled a number of meetings at the Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR because the meeting rooms must be sterilized. Following that, there were several members of the council and staff in the DPR Baleg who were exposed to COVID-19. "Dear Leaders and Members of the Legislative Council, we would like to inform you according to the leadership's direction that today's meeting at 13.00 WIB and at 15.00 WIB will be canceled due to the sterilization of the room. Thank you ," reads the announcement received by journalists, Tuesday, February 15. The cancellation of the meeting was justified by the leadership of the DPR Baleg, who is also currently undergoing independent isolation (isoman). The Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council, Achmad Baidowi, said that currently the DPR Building is in an unsafe condition, because there are many people passing by in the Parliament Complex. The PPP legislator for the East Java electoral district explained that every commission and AKD (council equipment) were exposed to COVID-19, both board members and support staff. "DPR is not safe, because many people are passing by," Baidowi said when confirmed, Tuesday, February 15.
In fact, the secretary of the PPP faction of the DPR admitted that he is currently undergoing isomanism for a week, because he is still confirmed to have been exposed to COVID-19. "I've been isoman for a week," said the man who is familiarly called Awiek.
However, Awiek admitted that he did not know for sure the number of cases in Baleg. "I don't know exactly, I haven't been anywhere for a week," he said.
Previously, the DPR Baleg was scheduled to hold two meetings, namely, a plenary meeting to discuss the results of the study of the Bill on State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) at 13.00 WIB. Then the decision-making plenary meeting on the results of the harmonization of the Bill on the Province of Bali at 15.00 WIB.