Can Be Done At Home, 5 Natural Ways To Clean The Lungs

JAKARTA – People who are often exposed to air pollution or with asthma can take advantage of natural ways to clean their lungs at home. Air pollution, cigarette smoke, and other toxic fumes can cause health conditions to decline. That's why it's important to keep your lungs working properly.

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) reported by Medical News Today, Tuesday, February 15, exposure to air pollution causes 4.2 million deaths worldwide each year. In the United States, smoking causes 1 death for every 5 people. To clean the lungs naturally, you can do the following technique.

1. Inhale steam

This first natural way to clean the lungs is often done for the treatment of colds and coughs. The lungs are organs that can clean themselves after exposure to pollutants. The mucus that collects in the lungs is tasked with capturing microbes and pathogens that contribute to reducing chest tightness, fullness, and inflammation.

Several techniques may be used, one of which is by inhaling steam which helps open the airways, increase lung capacity, and reduce inflammation. Steam therapy or steam inhalation involves inhaling water to open the airways and help the lungs expel mucus.

Steam therapy is an effective temporary solution. Because the effect does not last long, but it is still useful to help maintain lung health.

Illustration of a natural way to clean the lungs (iStockphoto)
2. Cough controlled

Controlled coughing can help clear mucus. Coughing, is basically the body's way of naturally expelling toxins trapped in mucus. This method, with a deliberate but controlled cough, helps expel excess mucus or phlegm in the lungs.

The trick, sit in a chair with relaxed shoulders. Keeping your feet flat, fold your arms over your stomach. Then inhale slowly while the nose exhale. Lean forward and push your stomach to cough 2-3 times as you exhale. Repeat this technique as necessary until the chest feels lighter.

3. Drink green tea

Green tea is high in antioxidants, the benefits of which help reduce lung inflammation. Compounds in green tea can also protect lung tissue from the harmful effects of inhaling smoke.

A study proves the benefits of green tea by involving more than 1,000 adults in Korea. The results of his study reported that people who drank at least 2 cups of green tea per day had better lung function than those who did not drink at all.

4. Consumption of anti-inflammatory foods

Inflammation or inflammation can be helped overcome by eating food, one of which is cherries. Inflammation often makes breathing heavy and chest tight. So by consuming cherries which contain anti-inflammatory substances, you can reduce the symptoms of lung inflammation. Apart from cherries, other foods include green vegetables, turmeric, blueberries, walnuts, peas, and olives.

5. Hit the chest gently

Like hitting a percussion instrument, hitting the chest is another effective way to reduce excess mucus in the lungs. A professional respiratory therapist uses cupped hands to rhythmically tap the chest wall to remove mucus trapped in the lungs.