Rachmat Gobel Asks Ministry Of Trade To Stabilize Soybean Prices: Don't Let People Fight Alone

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachmat Gobel, asked the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) to stabilize the price of soybeans to give peace to the public as well as tofu and tempeh craftsmen.

"The task of the Ministry of Trade is like that. It cannot let the people fight alone," said Rachmat Gobel in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, February 15.

Rachmat Gobel explained that currently the price of soybeans has increased due to fluctuations in international prices, especially in the United States.

The largest producers of soybeans in the world are Brazil, the United States, Argentina and China. In 2020 the price of soybeans at the consumer level is still around Rp. 8,500 per kilogram. However, in 2021 it has increased to Rp 9,500-Rp 10 thousand per kilogram.

Now the price of soybeans is already above Rp. 11 thousand per kilogram. As a result of the continuous increase in the price of soybeans, the number of tofu and tempeh craftsmen continues to decrease, especially the small craftsmen. Even though the government has not imposed import duties on soybean commodities.

Rachmat Gobel said that tofu and tempeh are people's food and are loved by all levels of society. In addition, he said, the tofu and tempeh business is also a sector that the lower class can easily enter.

Therefore, he said, price fluctuations and rising soybean prices could disrupt employment and business opportunities.

"In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties, especially the government, must work more seriously so that poverty does not continue to rise," he said.

He further stated that the soybean problem must be found a more permanent solution. This, he said, requires the cooperation of all parties, especially the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

Currently, about 80 percent of soybean needs come from imports. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade must be able to regulate stocks so that they are not easily hit by fluctuations in international prices and the international trade situation.

In addition, he said, the Ministry of Trade must also be able to regulate price stability in the country. On the other hand, he said, although this plant is a subtropical plant, this plant can still develop well in Indonesia.

"So there must be coordination so that import faucets are regulated with the ability of the Ministry of Agriculture in providing soybeans from farmers. Do not let the market be flooded with imported products which then make farmers give up on growing soybeans," he said.

Rachmat Gobel also emphasized that the Ministry of Agriculture should work hard and have a systematic program so that Indonesia can be self-sufficient in soybeans.

"Take advantage of technology and strengthen research," he said.

Indonesia has also become an edamame exporter. This proves that Indonesian soil can be used to plant soybeans.

"Remember, processed soybean products have become a national food such as tofu, tempeh, and even soy sauce," he said.