Survey Results: Public More Confidence In Prabowo Subianto

JAKARTA - The research institute from the Indonesian Survey & Polling (SPIN) has re-released the results of its survey to capture the current socio-political constellation among the public, one of which is about the potential of national figures in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

The Director of SPIN, Igor Dirgantara said, in the results of his survey, the majority of the people chose Prabowo Subianto as President if the election was held later.

"Most of the public or 24.5 percent chose Prabowo as the presidential candidate," said Igor in an official statement, Monday, February 14.

Under Prabowo, he said, there was Anies Baswedan who got 13.6 percent and Ganjar Pranowo with 12.8 percent.

The next position was occupied in a row by Ridwan Kamil with 6.1 percent; AHY 4.4 percent; Sandiaga Uno 4.1 percent; and Puan Maharani 3.0 percent. Then Tri Rismaharini and Khofifah share the same percentage of 1.6 percent; Erick Thohir is in 10th place at 1.5 percent.

"Meanwhile, there are 20.4 percent of the public who still have not made their choice," he said.

According to him, Prabowo Subianto's electability is still at the top of the survey because of the consistency and focus of the performance of the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP in carrying out state duties.

"His work as defense minister in a government that can be seen and heard by the wider public from various media channels is full of achievements," he said.

On the other hand, he said, the role of the party machine was no less involved in boosting the public's assessment of the figure of Prabowo Subianto. Solid support from the Gerindra party from the bottom to the top to re-appropriate its Ketum as a presidential candidate in 2024 was also very clearly heard by the public so that the majority of the public's choice fell to Prabowo.

"This certainty is also what makes Prabowo's electability strong at the peak of electability. To this day there has been no significant event that has been able to degrade its position in the hearts of the people," he said.

Then, besides that, the increasing number of declarations of support from community groups both individually and in pairs can also be an indicator that the public knows and expects him to become President in 2024.

Then, Igor also took pictures of the public's view of the existing party institutions, especially those who will participate in the 2024 General Election.

Most of the public, which is 19.1 percent, will still vote for the PDIP if the 2019 elections are held today. While the 2nd position is still occupied by Gerindra with an electability percentage of 15.6 percent.

For the third position is occupied by Golkar 10.9 percent, followed by PKB 6.3 percent, PKS 6.0 percent, NasDem 4.9 percent, PPP 1.9 percent, PAN 1.3 percent. For PSI, PBB, Hanura, PKPI, Perindo and the Berkarya Party, each is at an interval of 1.0 percent to 0.1 percent.

Please note, this survey was conducted on January 31 to February 11, 2022 involving 1,230 respondents spread across 34 provinces throughout Indonesia by means of face-to-face assistance with questionnaire sheets.

This survey also uses probability sampling and multistage random sampling methods with a Margin of Error (MoE) of approximately 2.8 percent and a confidence level of 95 percent.