AGO Clarifies The Development Of Legal Facts To Prosecutor Pinangki

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has investigated prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasai as a suspect in the Supreme Court (MA) fatwa processing case. The examination was carried out to clarify several points obtained in the development of the investigation.

"The suspect Pinangki Sirna Malasari was examined in order to complete the lack of information because there were developments in legal facts that had to be clarified and confirmed to the person concerned as a suspect," said Head of the Legal Information Center of the Attorney General's Office, Hari Setiyono in his statement, Wednesday, September 9.

In this case, Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari has been named a suspect. He is suspected of accepting bribes related to processing a fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed in the Bank Bali cessie case at the Supreme Court.

The AGO suspects that Pinangki received a bribe worth 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7 billion from Djoko Tjandra. In this case, the Attorney General's Office has also appointed Djoko Tjandra as the bribe giver. Most recently, the AGO has named Andi Irfan Jaya as a suspect related to the agreement in the MA fatwa.

The Attorney General's Office revealed that Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari used the proceeds of corruption for his personal needs. Among other things, renting an apartment, buying a BMW X5 car to beauty treatments.

"That's all the rest is buying a BMW, paying for maintenance, renting an apartment," Febrie Ardiansyah, Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes, told reporters, Tuesday, September 8.

According to Febrie, the money given by Djoko Tjandra through Andi Irfan Jaya has not been used by Pinangki to process the fatwa at the Supreme Court.

Febrie said this was discovered after conducting a series of examinations on Pinangki. From the results of the interim examination, all the money was still controlled by Pinangki.

"Until now, legal facts are still controlled by Pinangki," said Febrie.

Meanwhile, regarding the flow of funds received by Andi Irfan at this time has not been disclosed. This is because investigators have not yet examined former Nasdem Party politician Andi Ifran after being named a suspect.

"When it comes to the flow of funds, we are still investigating the certainty. Andi Irfan has not been detained because of his isolation for 2 weeks, he is also worried," he said.