Don't Lebay Say "Anjay", This Is The Owner Of The Name Anjay Saiful Islam

JAKARTA - Recently, the use of the word "Anjay" is still in the public spotlight. Especially after the word was questioned by the celebrities Lufti Agzial and the Child Protection Commission (Komnas PA) who considered the use of the word "Anjay" to mean bullying.

But who would have thought, if the word was actually used as someone's name. Through his personal Instagram account, this man who comes from Pekanbaru, Riau does have the full name Anjay Saiful Islam.

He realized that with the excitement of the word "Anjay" on social media, gradually his name would also be in the public spotlight. Especially the use of the word "Anjay" which has a negative connotation and can be used as a substitute for animal names.

Through uploads on Instagram, Anjay expresses his feelings in the middle of the polemic, said Anjay. The man who was born in 1999 admitted that he was proud even though he experienced many joys and sorrows.

"The word" Anjay "means Dog (Google's version), you are immediately shocked. Then everyone who calls you with smiles like that, you are immediately insecure," wrote the man who studied at the State Islamic University (UIN) Sultan Syarif Kasim. (Suska), Pekanbaru.

At first he was offended by his name being slipped as a substitute for dog. However, once he knew that the name given by his parents had a good meaning, he finally accepted it gracefully.

Even from his search the word "Anjay" is written in the Koran, Surah Al-Baqarah verse: 50 which has the meaning of saving. There are at least 23 times the word "Anjay" in Arabic and its derivatives are in the Koran.

"So for those of you who have the same name" Anjay "I am proud! Because your name has a deep meaning, be it in Arabic or the language of the Koran," wrote Anjay.

"Introduce. My name is Anjay Saiful Islam, just call Anjay and I am proud of the name my parents have given me," he added.

Get Support from Ridwan Kamil

The use of the word "Anjay" is still in the spotlight, plus the appearance of the e-KTP image and student card of the owner of the name Anjay Saiful Islam in the timeline. Even the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil also spoke out.

Through his Instagram account, Ridwan Kamil encouraged one of the men with the full name Anjay Saiful Islam, who has a nickname, "Anjay". In fact, "Anjay" means a good name and is also contained in the holy book.

"My sympathy goes to Bang @Anjay_saiful_islam. Sing is patient and God willing, everything has a lesson," wrote the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil.

Screenshot of @RidwanKamil Instagram

Ridwan Kamil also feels that lately the community has been enlivened by things that are not really important. To entertain Anjay Saiful Islam, Ridwan Kamil invited citizens to encourage "Anjay".

"These days we are often noisy by trivial things and often spend our productive time. Let's encourage Anjay by following his account," he continued.

Until now, Anjay's personal posts have been liked by more than 16 thousand netizens. They encouraged Anjay whose name was often used for puns and jokes.