Vicky Firlana Turns Out To Be The Murder Victim Of A Lesbian Couple Who Allegedly Cheated On Him

JAKARTA - The police revealed the motive for the murder of Vicky Firlana at the TPU Chober, Ulujami, South Jakarta, which was carried out by two executioners, MYL (18) and DR (22). The two perpetrators turned out to be orders from Leli (38), a woman who has a sexual disorder.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan, said that Leli's motive was to ask MYL and DR to kill Vicky out of jealousy. Because, said Endra Zulpan, Vicky had a relationship with a witness with the initials HN. Even though HN already has a bond with Leli.

"The main perpetrator, sister Leli, is suspected of having a sexual disorder, namely that she is a lesbian, then jealous of Vicky's victim because Vicky is in a romantic relationship or dating witness HN. Then the perpetrator LM (Leli) was hurt by Vicky." said Endra to reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, February 14.

Meanwhile, MYL and DR accept Leli's offer to kill Vicky due to economic reasons. They, MYL and DR, were given a reward of Rp. 2 million for killing Vicky.

"He committed the murder because he was given a reward or payment by the main perpetrator, LM's sister (Leli)," said Endra.

Leli was arrested after the police arrested MYL and DR. Leli was arrested in the Kembangan area, West Jakarta, Sunday, February 13.