Arrested Company Asset Transfer Fraud Syndicate, Losses Up To IDR 1.5 Billion

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 4 people who are members of a national fraud syndicate. When in action, they use the mode of pretending to be a director who wants to transfer company assets.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus said the syndicate fraud was by contacting the bank. Then, after successfully convincing the suspects RW (39), AW (49), F and I asked for the transfer of company assets to the account of one of the suspects.

"They are fraudsters via their fraudulent cell phones to existing banks. They first admit to being company directors, for example, he confessed to PT CWI and called the bank claiming that the main director would later transfer deposits or assets," Yusri told reporters. Wednesday, September 9.

Before contacting the bank, the suspect AW first traced the company data that would be targeted. Information gathering is done through internet networks.

Furthermore, the suspect RW made a letter of instruction with the logo of the victim's company. That way the bank will trust and agree to transfer the company's assets.

"For the suspect AW, his role was planning, calling to confess the main director. The second was his own younger brother, the RW inial. He made up the fake letter," said Yusri.

After everything was ready, then suspect I did his role. He delivered a fake instruction letter to the bank with suspect F.

"To convince the bank, suspect I delivered an instruction letter bearing the company logo. Meanwhile, F was preparing the vehicle," said Yusri.

Using this mode, the two suspects managed to transfer company assets worth Rp1.5 billion. Until finally, the company that was the victim reported the fraud.

The two of them were arrested in different locations. The suspect AW is in the Serpong area, South Tangerang while the RW is in Bogor, West Java. Meanwhile, I and F were not explained by the police.

From the results of the examination and in-depth investigation, there has not been any cooperation with the banking sector. So far, they have only acted without any help from other parties.

"The involvement of colleagues from the bank has yet to be found. However, one of the suspects is a recidivist in the same modus operandi, in 2018 he will come out and play again," said Yusri.

For their actions, the suspects were suspected with Article 378 KUHP, 263 KUHP, Articles 3, 4, 5 in conjunction with Article 2 paragraph 1 letters R and Z of RI Law number 8/2020 concerning the eradication of TPPU. The suspects face sentences of up to five years in prison.