8 Buyers Positive For COVID-19 From The Warung Soto Yogyakarta Cluster

YOGYAKARTA - The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 from the cluster of soto stalls in Yogyakarta continues to grow. There are eight buyers who are currently confirmed to be exposed to the new Corona virus.

“Of the eight buyers, only one packs their food and is eaten at home. The rest buy and eat directly on the spot, ”said Yogyakarta COVID-19 Task Force Chief Executive Heroe Poerwadi as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, September 9.

The eight buyers of the soup, three of whom came from Bantul Regency, and one from Magelang, Central Java. The rest, residents of Yogyakarta City.

The cluster of soto stalls emerged after the soup seller carried out a health check after complaining of fever and cough. From the results of the inspection, the seller tested positive for COVID-19.

From the case findings, tracing was carried out to close contact with the seller, namely from the family and employees. Incidentally, family and employees live in a nearby neighborhood and there were dozens of positive cases.

The Yogyakarta COVID-19 Handling Task Force also asked all buyers who bought soup at the stall located in front of XT-Square to report and carry out health checks at the nearest health facility.

To date, the total number of confirmed positive cases from the cluster of soto stalls is 22 people. However, on Thursday, September 9, it was recorded that 10 family members had finished their independent isolation period.

"Because the family members do not show any symptoms, they are self-isolating. Today, Thursday (9/9) their independent isolation period is over and they are declared cured because they don't have any symptoms, ”he said.

The contact tracing process for the soup stall cluster continues and there are still two family members waiting for the results of the swab test.

Heroe said, the cluster of soto stalls can also be classified as cases of COVID-19 transmission in the family.

"Transmission in this family should be watched out for because there are quite a lot of case findings. Most of them are in soup stalls, because 15 family members have been exposed, ”he said.

He hopes that the case of COVID-19 transmission in the soup shop will become a lesson for the whole community that health protocols must be followed strictly even at home, namely immediately taking a shower and changing clothes after activities outside. Until Thursday, September 9, the accumulation of confirmed cases was positive 19 in Yogyakarta as many as 211 cases, with 57 active cases, 142 recovered, and 12 patients died.