Before Being Killed And Put Into A Freezer, This 38-Year-Old Woman Asked For Jeremy Kyle's Help

JAKARTA - A sad story came from London. Mihrican 'Jan' Mustafa, a 38 year old woman was killed and put in the freezer.

Launching The Sun on Wednesday, September 9, Jan was killed by a man named Zahid Younis. Previously, he was trapped in an addiction to illegal drugs.

Addicted Jan also has difficulty communicating with his family and relatives. As a result, when Younis approached Jan, he immediately greeted him well.

Writing a letter

This is not the first time Younis has committed a crime. Previously, he was jailed for marrying a 14 year old woman and getting her pregnant.

Trapped in Younis' apartment, Jan spends his days writing letters for everyone including television presenter Jeremy Kyle.

To Kyle he asked for help and also a rehabilitation process so that he could escape his drug addiction. He also often asks his relatives for rehabilitation via letters. Unfortunately, none of the letters were successfully delivered.

Locked up

Apart from Jan, there was another woman who was in the freezer with her. I was so cold, when the police found them, the two of them had clung to each other.

It turns out that in April, London Police tried to open the freezer but it was locked. Bodycam footage shows a horror moment when the police search Younis's house. The words that were heard on the tape were; "I want to open this freezer but it's locked."

The freezer is hidden in a small cupboard along with the gas on top of the cupboard. Jan is said to have had several fractures due to being in the freezer too long.

Life Penalty

While undergoing trial, Younis did not seem sorry for what he had done. He confessed to the judge's indictment and was sentenced to life in prison.

Younis is said to be heartless because he is looking for female targets like Jan, who is experiencing problems in his life