PDIP Faction Urges Local Government To Be Firm Regarding The Implementation Of HET Cooking Oil

PALANGKA RAYA - Member of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) from the PDP faction in the Electoral District of Central Kalimantan, Agustiar Sabran, asked the regional government (Pemda) to be firm in implementing the Highest Retail Price (HET) for cooking oil. ," Agustiar said when contacted in Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan), Sunday, February 13. Based on the information he received, in the field there are still traders who sell cooking oil exceeding the HET that has been set by the central government. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Trade regarding HET cooking oil, bulk cooking oil HET Rp11,500 per liter, simple packaged cooking oil Rp13,500 per liter, and premium packaged cooking oil Rp14,000 per liter. He said one of them was in Palangka Raya City, recently The Food Task Force team and the local provincial TPID have visited a number of markets. In fact, in the field, although some have sold them at bar prices u according to HET, but there are still many who sell cooking oil at the old price, which is above the HET regulation. . It's a pity for the community if there is still cooking oil sold for more than HET," he said. Moreover, according to Agustiar, what makes him uncomfortable with the high price of cooking oil, is Central Kalimantan which is also known to have many oil palm plantation areas. "Ideally as an area with oil palm plantations. which produces CPO, the selling price of cooking oil in the market in our area should not be too expensive. I think this needs to be our common concern, so that in the future it can be overcome," he asked. Agustiar asked the local government and the apparatus to act decisively, so that if violations are found in the field, both sales that exceed HET to people who hoard cooking oil, strict action is taken. according to the applicable rules.