Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2/2022 Discusses JHT Can Only Be Disbursed At 56 Years Old, Commission IX: Sounding Should First Go To DPR

JAKARTA - Commission IX member Saleh Partaonan Daulay, responding to the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 2/2022 concerning Old Age Security (JHT) can only be disbursed at the age of 56 years. 2/2020 it. In meetings with the Ministry of Manpower and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, he said, changes to the JHT withdrawal mechanism were not discussed specifically. It can even be said, it has not been delivered comprehensively.

"Supposedly, the plan related to the determination of this policy has been sounding before the House of Representatives. Starting from the legal umbrella, the benefits for workers, to the sustainability of the JHT program in the future. That way, if asked, we can also explain", Saleh said in a statement received by VOI, Sunday, February 13.

Regarding the Manpower Minister, according to the chairman of the PAN faction in the House of Representatives, it must be ensured so as not to harm the workers. So far, Saleh has heard that there are still many rejections from associations and trade unions. He was worried that this refusal would lead to the ineffectiveness of the policy.

"Workers seem to often feel left out. Many government policies seem to be decided unilaterally, ranging from the Ciptaker Law to the issue of drinking wages. Today, there is also the issue of JHT which can only be withdrawn after 56 years", Saleh explained.

It is known to Saleh, the reason the government enforces this policy is to prevent double claims. On the one hand, there is a job loss guarantee (JKP), on the other hand, there is JHT.

"Then, he said, this policy is also intended to return the JHT function to its original purpose. The problem is, JKP's legal umbrella is the Copyright Act. Can it be enforced? Wasn't this Permanaker issued after the Constitutional Court's decision that the Copyright Act was conditionally unconstitutional?", he explained.

"Even if, for example, JKP has been allowed to apply, then why does JHT have to be 56 years old? Shouldn't it be based on the situation and conditions of the workers? Say, for example, because the conditions of workers are very difficult, then JKP and JHT are allowed? Or are there many other options? possible", he continued.

The PAN legislator for the North Sumatra II electoral district assessed that the policy lacked socialization. This means, said Saleh, that the Ministry of Manpower has not been maximal in educating the public regarding JKP.

"If the JKP is really good, of course, the community will support it", he said.

Open discussion room

Saleh added, Permenaker No. 2/2020 is still very feasible to be discussed in the public to get input from the community, especially from the workers. If the results of the public discussion show that the Manpower Regulation is detrimental to the workers, Commission IX of the House of Representatives encourages that this Manpower Regulation be revoked.

"There must be room for discussion. It is also not good if a strategic policy does not involve related parties", said Saleh.

It is known, JHT can only be disbursed at the age of 56 years of participants as stipulated in the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits.

This Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2/2022 also revokes Ministerial Regulation Number 19 of 2015 concerning Procedures and Requirements for Old Age Security Benefits.

The Ministerial Regulation which was promulgated on February 4, 2022, states in article 3 that JHT benefits can only be given when the participant enters retirement at the age of 56 years.

Furthermore, Article 4 states that the JHT benefits for participants who reach retirement age also include participants who stop working.

With the new regulation, workers who are laid off or resign can only take their Old Age Security funds when they are of retirement age.