Uneasy To See Vehicles Milling About With Air Pollution, Farid Jonatan And His 2 Colleagues Create Electric Bicycles

PEKANBARU - Three students from Lancang Kuning University (Unilak) Pekanbaru, Riau Province succeeded in making an electric bicycle. This innovation is produced by 'juggling' the available used bicycles.

Farid Jonatan and two of his friends when met in Pekanbaru admitted that this electric bicycle was made for two months. "The electric bicycle has a power of 250 watts, with a 24 volt battery. The manufacturing process takes about two months because we have to analyze the position of each component," Farid said when met, quoted from Antara, Friday, February 11.

Farid is a student majoring in Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Unilak. The initial idea of making electric bicycles was to reduce carbon monoxide gas emissions from motorized vehicles in the Unilak campus environment.

"The initial idea to make this electric bicycle is to reduce carbon gas emissions produced by motorized vehicles that are milling about here," he explained.

In the manufacturing process, Farid uses a used bicycle, two batteries, and a gas pedal to adjust the speed.

"In its use, this electric bicycle can last for one hour of use with a speed of up to 20 kilometers per hour. While the charging time takes four hours," he said.

Farid admitted, the process of working on this electric bicycle cost around Rp. 4 million.

"Because this is an early stage, so we tried a lot so that the cost we spent in making this electric bicycle was around Rp. 4 million," he added.

In addition, the electric bicycle created by Unilak students is also equipped with a General Positioning System (GPS) to make it easier to determine the direction.