Attorney Hadi Pranoto: The Use Of ITE Is Incorrectly Targeted

JAKARTA - Hadi Pranoto's lawyer, Tonin Tachta Singarimbun, claims that his client who uses the Electronic Transaction Information (ITE) Law is wrong. This is because his client never uses social media in his daily life.

"Hadi was reported in the ITE Law, he alone, FB, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, doesn't have how he was subjected to the ITE Law. That's why I said the report was inconsequential," Tonin told reporters, Tuesday, September 8.

As for the alleged spread of fake news, Tonin said that his client did not.

He said the case against Hadi should have been directed at Anji, who is the owner of the YouTube account that broadcast Hadi's interview.

"Where to report lies, where to spread lies. Anji should have reported it about the ITE problem. If the problem is Mas Hadi, where can the ITE Law be imposed," he said.

Tonin continued, the name of his client was also dragged into the case because the reporter did not know for sure the owner of the account. So, when reporting, the name of the client was included as the reported party.

"So as I said because there (reports) the owner of the Youtube account Anji and Mas Hadi, because the one he did not know was Mas Hadi's name, in the end he wrote both of them. he.

Hadi Pranoto was reported to Polda Metro Jaya by the General Chairperson of Cyber Indonesia, Muannas Alaidid, because he was considered to be spreading false news about the claim of the COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.

In this case, the police will apply Article 28 in conjunction with Article 45A of the Electronic Information and Transactions (ITE) Law. This case began when Hadi Pranoto and Anji discussed COVID-19 and uploaded them to YouTube. In the conversation, Hadi said that he had found a COVID-19 antibody herbal medicine.