Police Force Down 5 Illegal Drones In The Mandalika Circuit Area

MATARAM - Police officers from the Mobile Police Brigadier Corps in charge of securing the 2022 MotoGP Preseason Test event forcibly dispatched five unmanned aircraft or illegal drones that roamed the Mandalika Circuit area.

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, said the reduction of the five drones was carried out forcibly using a technological aid called "anti-drone jammers". From the MotoGP organizers, they are not allowed to fly, for fear of disturbing the 'race'," said Artanto, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

With this incident, Artanto again appealed to residents and visitors not to fly "drones" around the circuit for fear of disturbing the pre-season test activities which will start on Friday, February 11.

"Previously we have advised and fostered them not to do that. If it is done again, we will take action," he said.

Anti-drone jammers were placed around the Mandalika Circuit along with the standby team from the Brimob Police Corps. The tool can detect the presence of "drones" flying at a distance of 2 kilometers around the circuit area.

"So we from the police will continue to carry out drone patrols," he said.

He also reminded that "drone" flights now have a legal basis. This is in accordance with what is stated in Law Number 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation.

"In these regulations, there are criminal sanctions and fines for those who violate them," he said.

In addition to the ban on residents, ITDC has also asked the security team from the TNI-Polri not to fly "drones", unless there is permission from the organizers.