Jambi Governor Instructs Hospitals To Add Beds For COVID-19 Patients

JAMBI - Jambi Governor Al Haris instructed the referral hospital for COVID-19 patients to add more beds for isolation and treatment of COVID-19 patients.

"There are currently 713 beds available, based on the number of standards that must be available from KMK Number 14 of 2021 regarding isolation rooms in epidemic conditions, there is a shortage of 412 beds," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

The total beds in Jambi Province are 4,083 places. Based on KMK Number 14 of 2021, the mandatory bed availability for COVID-19 patients is 1,125 places.

He emphasized that the hospitals with the most shortage of beds had to immediately fulfill the availability of beds, including the Raden Mattaher Jambi Hospital, Jambi Provincial Mental Hospital, and Bratanata Hospital.

Then H. Hanafie Hospital in Bungo Regency, HA Major General Thalib Hospital in Sungai Penuh City, and Abdul Manap Hospital in Jambi City.

"Other hospitals, both government-owned and private, which act as referral hospitals for COVID-19 patients, must immediately 'update' beds for COVID-19 patients on 'online' hospital applications," said Al Haris.

In addition, hospitals are also asked to report daily progress of oxygen availability data through the online hospital application.

Local governments are also asked to reactivate centralized isolation houses (isoters) in anticipation of an increase in COVID-19 cases.

In addition, local governments are asked to report progress on data on COVID-19 patients undergoing treatment at isoter homes.

"Regencies that do not yet have an isoter house must immediately find a place to be an isoter house," said Al Haris.