Long-range Missiles Will Become The New Strength Of The Indonesian Navy's Warships, Can Reach 250 Km

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Navy plans to strengthen its combat fleet with Naval Strike Missiles, which are very suitable for warships belonging to the Indonesian Navy. The missiles have a firepower of 250 km.

This was revealed when the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Yudo Margono, held a presentation meeting with PT. Lundin Industries Invest, Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace AS and PT. Datareka Integrasia at Wisma Elang Laut (WEL) Jl Diponegoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta. Last Wednesday, February 9, as quoted from the official website of the Indonesian Navy.

The meeting which explained about Naval Strike Missile, Upgrade KRI Golok and procurement of Fast Missile Boat was attended by John Lundin (President Director of PT Lundin), Lizza Lundin (Director of PT Lundin), Cecilia Siby (President Director of PT Datareka Integrasia), Diny Rosyada (Managing Director of PT Datareka Integrasia), Coster Bjorn Verner (Managing Director-Kongsberg) from Norway, and Skorge Arild (Business Development Manager-Kongsberg) Norway.

Arild explained that the Naval Strike Missile specification is very suitable for the Indonesian Navy because it can cover a firepower of 250 km. Then it is easy to move to the smallest place that is not visible and the missile is controlled from the main ship.

The missiles will be carried by Fast Missile Boat which is small, 19 meters long, 4 meters wide with a speed of 55 knots, making it more effective when used in combat because it is small, tactical, difficult to detect by the enemy and difficult to attack by exocet missiles but very deadly.

The Fast Missile Boat, which weighs 33 tons, is capable of sailing 500 miles with 6 crew members and 2 weeks of supplies. Amazingly, the Fast Missile Boat is silent, undetected by radar and able to move quickly.

While the way to operate the missile is to first take a photo of the target and its location using infrared, then the infrared data is entered into the weapon system data, then the execution of the shooting is carried out from the command from the main ship. The Fast Missile Boat can be loaded into the main ship of 6 boats or can sail independently.

This Naval Strike Missile has been used by the United States in the South China Sea and has always been effective at hitting targets without being countered. The Indonesian Ministry of Defense is very interested in this Fast Missile Boat and plans to procure 120 Fast Missile Boats for the Indonesian Navy.

To test its capabilities, the KSAL wants the Naval Strike Missile to be tested on KRI Golok in the South China Sea with a target range of 250 km according to the missile's specifications. The Indonesian Navy will provide security facilities and target shooting targets in the context of training, while PT Kongsberg will provide missiles to be tested and their firing systems.

Because the Fast Missile Boat weapon system has never been used by the Indonesian Navy, the KSAL asked the representative of PT Kongsberg from Norway to carry out a re-exposure in front of the Indonesian Armed Forces Commander, Commanders I, II and III and the Ship Commanders. This is necessary so that the next generation, the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, the Commander of the Armed Forces I, II and III as well as the Commanders of the KRI and related staff officers can provide criticism and input.