Bappenas: IDR 62 Trillion Funds Needed For The COVID-19 Vaccine

JAKARTA - Head of the National Planning and Development Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa said, based on a rough calculation, the government needs for the COVID-19 vaccine is IDR 46 trillion to IDR 62 trillion.

Suharto explained that the budget is for vaccinating 60 percent of Indonesia's population as a condition for imposing herd immunity.

"We have calculated it. Herd immunity is needed Rp. 46 to Rp. 62 trillion. If Rp. 46 trillion is the price of vaccine for 10 US dollars for this," Suharso said in a joint hearing with Commission XI of the Indonesian Parliament, Tuesday, September 8.

Furthermore, Suharso emphasized that this price is an estimate. This is because until now there is no certainty regarding the price of vaccines. Vaccine candidates that are believed to be effective have not yet emerged because they have to go through rigorous testing stages.

However, he said, currently there are two estimated vaccine prices being calculated by the government. First, the vaccine costs 10 United States (US) dollars per dose. If this price is used, the total budget required to be prepared by the government will reach Rp46 trillion for herd immunity for 60 percent of the population.

Second, said Suharso, the vaccine costs US $ 15 per dose. If that price is set, the budget requirement is even greater. At least the government needs funds worth IDR 62 trillion.

Suharso explained, this budget calculation includes the cost of facilities and infrastructure. For example, special refrigerators, freezers, temperature controllers, cold boxes, to the vaccine carrier. Then the calculations also cover operational costs for immunization services to management matters.

This price estimate also includes 1.2 million health workers who need to be prioritized. Then population groups over 45 years of age or according to WHO are at high risk.

"Then if there is an additional 164.4 million herd immunity. Because the 164.4 million must be injected twice, then we need 328.8 million," he said.

Prepare Two Vaccine Distribution Schemes

The government has established a distribution scheme for the COVID-19 vaccine, which is planned to start mass production in December to January 2021. There are two schemes established, namely free and paid vaccines.

The free vaccine is intended for underprivileged BPJS Kesehatan participants. Meanwhile, paid or independent vaccines for high-income people. The government has estimated the price of independent vaccines per person.

So what price must the community pay for vaccination? Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (PEN) Erick Thohir said the initial calculation of the price of vaccines was IDR 365,000 to IDR 438,000.

However, said Erick, this figure is a rough calculation. Currently, PT Bio Farma as the party that developed the vaccine from China is still reviewing the price.

"Our initial calculation, this vaccine costs 25 US dollars (equivalent to Rp365,000) to 30 US dollars (Rp438,000) per person. However, Bio Farma is recalculating how much it costs. Later one person will be injected twice. with a break of 2 weeks, "said Erick after conducting the RDP with Commission VI of the DPR, Thursday, August 27.

Erick explained that the determination of the vaccine price per person is in accordance with the price of vaccine raw materials per dose of US $ 8 or the equivalent of Rp. 116,000 which was purchased by the government from a pharmaceutical company from China, Sinovac.