Terrorism Victims In Central Java Receive Compensation Funds, Ganjar Pranowo: Hopefully We Can Live In Harmony

JAKARTA - Bripka Siswandi Yulianto has forgiven the terrorists who shot him critically in Kalora Village, Poso Pesisir Utara District, Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi, last December 2012. Not the slightest tucked revenge, although the scar on the cheek is still felt.

"All the terrorists have died. When we meet their families, we forgive them. The message is, don't repeat the acts (of terror)," said Siswandi, answering a question from the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, on the sidelines of the handing over of compensation for victims of criminal acts of terrorism, in Building B. The 5th floor of the Central Java Governor's Office, Wednesday, February 9, was quoted from the provincial government's official website.

Governor Ganjar accompanied by the Head of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Hasto Atmojo Suroyo handed over compensation funds for victims of past terrorism crimes, who are domiciled in Central Java. The total compensation fund was IDR 3.425 billion which was given to 22 people.

Siswandi is one of the recipients of compensation. He is a terrorist victim who suffered serious injuries. The policeman, who is currently on duty at the Slawi Police Headquarters at the Tegal District Police, will use the compensation funds for daily needs. In addition, it also pays off debts to pay costs during treatment.

"God willing, I will use it as needed. As long as I take treatment, it's a debt. It's to pay debts, for transportation. There are still a lot of debts," he said.

The 22 victims of terrorism were direct victims or heirs of the victims who died. Namely, two victims were seriously injured from the shooting incident by members of the Police in Poso and the incident at the Bethel Gospel Sepuh Church (GBIS) Solo; seven victims were moderately injured from the incident at GBIS Solo; six victims with minor injuries from the GBIS Solo incident; and seven heirs of the victims who died in the Bali Bombing II, the Australian Embassy, JW Marriot, the shooting at the Prembun Kebumen Police Headquarters, the shooting at the Kentengrejo Purworejo Police, and the Bukit Sampoddo Cafe bombing, Palopo.

LPSK chairman Hasto Atmojo Suroyo said the 22 people were part of the 357 victims of past terrorism (KTML) who were identified by LPSK and the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), and were declared eligible to receive compensation. A total of 357 victims came from 57 past terrorism incidents spread across 19 provinces in Indonesia, and foreigners and Indonesian citizens living in the United States, Germany, Australia, Canada, and the Netherlands.

According to Hasto, the submission of compensation is an implementation of Law Number 5 of 2018 and Government Regulation Number 35 of 2020. Since the Law was born, it has been clearly stated that all victims of terrorism are the responsibility of the state.

"Law Number 5 of 2018 is a very progressive regulation and shows siding with victims of terrorism. One of the special things about this law is the emergence of legal breakthroughs, which open up opportunities for victims of past terrorism, to get compensation without going through the courts," Hasto explained.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that there will be no more acts of terrorism. Because, the victim will feel deep sadness. He underlined, there are values that need to be conveyed to the public, namely maintaining mutual harmony, and being able to do moderation in many things.

"So that we can get along and not be scary. Moreover, to hurt other people. Once again, LPSK is one step further ahead, has more attention to victims. Hopefully it will benefit, "said Ganjar.