Disdikbud Closes 2 Schools In Palu After Students Are Exposed To COVID-19

PALU - The Education and Culture Office (Disdikbud) of Palu City, Central Sulawesi closed two schools following a number of students who were exposed to COVID-19.

"Two schools are temporarily closed, namely the Palu Madani Integrated Model State Junior High School and the State Elementary School 6 Lolu Village, Palu City," said Head of the Palu City Education and Culture Office Hardi, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10. The two schools will be closed for as long as one week ahead. Meanwhile, the learning process continues online.

"We will see in the next week, the incubation is one week, if there are changes we will reopen," he said.

According to him, the total number of students identified as having been exposed to COVID-19 is nine. One person at the Madani Integrated Model SMPN Palu and eight people at SDN 6 Lolu Village, Palu City. Currently, the Disdikbud is still investigating a number of teachers and students in the two schools.

"The steps we have taken are that the school is temporarily closed, but access to learning continues with distance learning, that's what we are doing," he said.

''Don't give group assignments, assign students individually. I urge students to avoid crowds,'' he added.

Dikbud appealed to all junior high and elementary schools to continue to apply strict health protocols, and also to reactivate the COVID-19 Task Force in schools.

“You have to comply with the prokes even though it's only one or two schools. This is a lesson for other schools, to better maintain health protocols," said Hardi.