Antam Reaffirms Commitment To Share Part Of Profits To Divide At Least 30 Percent Of Profit

JAKARTA - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM) or Antam is committed to sharing a portion of its profits as dividends to shareholders. The value is at least 30 percent of net income.

Antam's Director of Finance and Risk Management Elisabeth RT Siahaan said the cash dividend distribution to shareholders would be distributed at least once a year. "Of course, by taking into account the financial position or the soundness of the company," said Elisabeth in her statement as quoted on Thursday, February 10.

Last year, Antam distributed dividends of Rp402.27 billion to shareholders. This value is equivalent to 35 percent of the company's net profit in 2020.

Elisabeth explained that the dividend distribution policy helped ANTM shares become part of the IDX High Dividend20. This is an index that measures the price performance of 20 stocks that distributed cash dividends over the last 3 years.

"Antam is also committed to innovation and business development to provide positive returns and the best performance for shareholders and stakeholders," said Elisabeth.

From the dividend distribution action, investors also appreciated ANTM's shares so that it was included in a row of various indexes on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

These include the LQ45, IDX30, IDX80, Kompas100, MNC36, IDXBUMN20, Investor33 indexes. This includes the Jakarta Islamic Index, Jakarta Islamic Index 70, Indonesian Sharia Stock Index, and the MES-BUMN 17 IDX Index.

Not only that, ANTM's shares are also included in several other indexes such as Bisnis-27, ESG Sector Leaders IDX KEHATI, ESG Quality 45 IDX KEHATI, Growth30, IDX Small-Mid Cap Composite and SMC Liquid. Some of these stock indices are stock groups with the highest liquidity levels on the IDX.

As additional information, ANTM's shares are classified as shares that are actively traded by investors. Until the end of January 2022, the average trading volume of ANTM's shares reached 147.3 million shares, with an average daily transaction value of Rp.282.33 billion.

Meanwhile, at the close of trading session I today, ANTM's shares were perched at the level of Rp. 1,875, up 5.34 percent from the close of trading on Wednesday, February 9, at Rp. 1,780.