Jokowi's Son Kaesang Pangarep Invites Retail Investors To Purchase Shares Through An Application Targeting 1 Million Users By 2022

JAKARTA - The Shares Application owned by PT Samuel Sekuritas Indonesia targets the growth of Indonesian retail investors to reach 1 million in 2022. The way to do this is through easy stock shopping education through the launch of investment applications on smartphones.

Initially this application came from the People's Stock community, the result of the thought of Kaesang Pangarep and Kevin Hendrawan. The idea of the app is to simplify the two main processes of investing in the stock market, namely learning stocks and shopping for stocks.

The Founder of Komunitas Saham Rakyat, Kevin Hendrawan, said that the Saham Rakyat by Samuel Sekuritas application could increase retail investors' interest in buying shares. As a result, community members as well as users of the application become 1 million retail investors by the end of this year.

Currently, the number of members of the People's Stock community is around 160,000 retail investors. According to him, many novice investors have turned into day traders or stock market participants.

"To ensure the security of assets and transactions, trading shares used need to be certified and under the supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," Kevin Hendrawan said in a written statement, Thursday, February 10.

The Shares of People by Samuel Sekuritas application can be downloaded through the App Store and Google Play Store. The application has been registered and supervised by the OJK and the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX).

With the #DariAwam JadiPaham campaign, the app simplifies the use of stock market language to make it easier for first-time traders to understand.

"Stock investment is a safe and profitable way to invest, through this application, Shares of the People wants to remove the stigma that stock investment is complicated to understand because of complicated language," said Kaesang Pangarep, Brand Ambassador of Saham Rakyat.

According to Kaesang, through this application, Cuan residents (as application users) can get acquainted with stocks, learn, and invest in stocks safely. The stock market, he continued, has gained momentum among the younger generation over the past 2 years.

Based on research results from the Katadata Insight Center, as many as 41.3 percent of the millennial generation admitted that they had started buying shares in the last 1-2 years. As many as 48.1 percent of the gen-Z age group also admitted to having bought shares in less than 1 year.

The Saham Rakyat application has various important features to support its users' stock shopping activities, including the favorite stock feature, group chat feature, shopping cart feature, help chat feature in the application, and especially the very easy buying and selling feature.

The buying and selling feature allows new users to shop for shares without worrying about bids/offers because the displayed price for People's Shares is the current market price. This position is said to allow users to directly get shares without queuing up.

The buying and selling feature also does not limit the existence of a minimum balance so that Shares users can also set their own initial stock investment value that they want to use to invest. This year, Saham Rakyat will also soon launch a pro version of the application for those who are experienced in buying and selling shares.