AAJI: LAPS SJK Official And Independent Channel For Resolution Of Insurance Customer Problems

JAKARTA - The unit-linked product insurance customers who are currently having a dispute with an insurance company, are deemed necessary to resolve it in accordance with the existing laws and regulations. One of them is completing the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution for the Financial Services Sector (LAPS SJK).

Executive Director of the Indonesian Life Insurance Association (AAJI) Togar Pasaribu said customers are expected to be willing to go to LAPS SJK, if there is an intention to properly resolve the problem in accordance with applicable regulations in the financial industry.

"As has been determined by OJK. LAPS SJK is an official and independent channel, which is the mandate of Law Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution. They should be able to accept this option," said Togar in his statement, Thursday 10 February.

Previously, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) asked insurance companies to immediately resolve problems with their customers regarding unit-linked products.

Chairman of the OJK Board of Commissioners, Wimboh Santoso, while attending a meeting with Commission XI of the DPR, some time ago stated that OJK continues to communicate with insurance companies that have problems with their customers.

"The settlement must be done individually, because the contract is also individual, customer by customer, case by case. It needs to be checked, because the cases are different," said Wimboh.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission XI of the DPR, Ela Siti Nuryamah, assessed that the settlement of unit-linked claims in several insurance companies is actually easy to resolve, considering the value is not too large.

"For example, there are very few unit links at Prudential and AIA. From Prudential, the claim is only Rp. 5.8 billion, AIA is Rp. 4.91 billion. Parliament, Wednesday 2 February.

Ela also hopes that the synergy of the role of OJK in the Alternative Dispute Settlement Institution for the Financial Services Sector (LAPS SJK) will not leave it entirely to the industry.

"We hope that this LAPS will collaborate with policy holders, in this case the OJK and the industry. So the cross checks are met, they are not handed over to the industry," said Ela.

Meanwhile, Tirta Segara, Member of the Board of Commissioners for Consumer Education and Protection at OJK, also explained the dispute resolution process through the SJK LAPS.

His party said, if there is a complaint submitted to the OJK, the OJK will examine whether there are indications of a dispute or violation.

"Because there are so many complaints that there are no indications of disputes, most consumers complain that they cannot pay so they ask for discounts, especially during the pandemic. If there are indications of disputes or violations, we will facilitate meetings with Financial Services Businesses (PUJK)," he explained.

So that consumer complaints can be processed quickly, consumers are asked to fill out a form in the application for complaints. Through this application, PUJK will immediately receive a copy of the data inputted by consumers and will be monitored directly by OJK and LAPS as Alternative Dispute Resolution Institutions.

"If the complaint has been resolved by the PUJK but the consumer does not receive a settlement from the PUJK, the consumer can proceed to LAPS. Our emphasis is that at LAPS there should be no conflict of interest and both parties must agree with the selection of the arbitrator. Please discuss it with the PUJK," he said.

Tirta stated that the settlement in LAPS is individual. LAPS cannot solve many groups of people to be given a decision at once.

He added that LAPS itself also gave advice to groups of disputing customers to be resolved by LAPS because it is more independent.