AGO: Attorney Pinangki Did Not Explain Anything About The Attorney General

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office has responded to the circulating issue regarding the alleged meeting of Attorney General ST Burhanuddin with former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Hatta Ali. The AGO has denied any connection with the alleged meeting with prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari, who is a suspect in the MA fatwa arrangement.

Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Attorney General's Office, Ali Mukartono said that based on the investigation, prosecutor Pinangki Sirna Malasari never mentioned the Attorney General's involvement.

"Then whether it is related to the Attorney General, Prosecutor P did not explain anything," Ali told reporters, Tuesday, September 8.

Apart from that, Ali also said that the prosecutor Pinangki did not explain the matter of clemency. In the title of the case, including with the KPK, there were questions about the suspicion that Pinangki anticipated clemency

"Everything you said was not revealed at the investigative hearing, there was no mention of clemency," said Ali.

Ali emphasized that in the case title, the focus discussed was related to the processing of fatwas at the MA. Thus, it is not related to clemency and involvement of the Attorney General.

"Earlier I said the object of this investigation was to submit a fatwa to the Supreme Court (MA)," he said.

Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari was named a suspect by the Attorney General's Office for allegedly receiving gratuities / bribes related to the fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed in the Bank Bali cessie case at the Supreme Court.

The AGO suspects that Pinangki received a bribe worth 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7 billion from Djoko Tjandra. In this case, the AGO also appointed Djoko Tjandra as the giver of the bribe. Most recently, the AGO has named Andi Irfan Jaya as a suspect related to the agreement in the MA fatwa.