Police Reveal Fraud Under The Guise Of Trading: Servers Abroad And Here Take Advantage Of Influencers

JAKARTA - Kabaharkam Polri Komjen Arief Sulistyanto revealed, fraud under the guise of binary options trading using the services of influencers. Affiliates market it on social media.

"Trading robots, the servers are abroad. Then domestically they use affiliates or agents, then for marketing they use influencers," said Arief as quoted by the Police Public Relations, Wednesday, February 9.

Arief said the ponzi scheme was implemented by the perpetrators by circulating their money through the recruitment of new investors. When a lot has been collected, said Arief, the perpetrator took the money away.

According to Arief, the handling of fraudulent investment problems with this scheme is not enough just to go through the police investigation process. Anticipation, supervision, regulation, and quick steps must be taken to resolve cases.

“There needs to be a regulation that is strong enough, with strict sanctions. Because this has been handled differently from 10-15 years ago, "explained Arief.

"Now it's not enough just to use the Criminal Code (Book of Criminal Law)," he added.

For information, cases of alleged fraud have emerged recently. A number of victims have also reported to the police regarding the case.

A total of 1,222 Commodity Futures Trading (PBK) sites and 92 binary options domains were prosecuted throughout 2021.

"Throughout 2021, CoFTRA in cooperation with the Ministry of Communication and Information has blocked 1,222 domains of unlicensed commodity futures trading websites and gambling under the guise of trading," said Acting Head of CoFTRA, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana on a separate occasion earlier this month.