Populi Survey: Anies Is The Most Chosen Candidate For DKI Governor, Outperforming Ahok And Sandiaga

JAKARTA - Populi Center has released the results of a survey regarding the stock exchange for candidates for the Governor of DKI Jakarta in the regional head election. As a result, Anies Baswedan became the most voted name with a proportion of 47.5 percent.

"In an open question, when asked who would be chosen as governor if the Jakarta gubernatorial election were held today, Anies Baswedan was the name that was mentioned the most," said Populi Center researcher Raffi Pamenang Imawan in his statement, Wednesday, February 9.

After Anies, the second choice for DKI Governor candidate was Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok with 8.5 percent of the electability, then Sandiaga Salahuddin Uni with 5.3 percent, Tri Rismaharini 3.5 percent, Ahmad Riza Patria with 3 percent, and several other names with electability in below 3 percent.

Then, through closed-ended questions with a simulation of 10 figures, Anies again outperformed the respondents with 50.3 percent of the electability. Furthermore, Tri Rismaharini at 20.2 percent, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono at 11.7 percent, and several other names below 5 percent.

Raffi explained that in general this survey showed Anies to be the most superior figure and the opportunity to become a candidate for the governor of DKI Jakarta for the next period.

"Anies Baswedan is also the most superior figure and the most likely to be chosen by the people of DKI Jakarta as a presidential candidate for the next period, both on open and closed questions related to the electability of figures," he explained.

It is known, the Populi Center survey was conducted from January 26 to February 1, 2022 with a sample of respondents spread proportionally in 60 urban villages in DKI Jakarta.

The survey was conducted through face-to-face or face-to-face interviews. An initial sample of 600 was selected at random (multistage random sampling) with a margin of error for the survey with an estimated sample size of ± 4 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.