Ayus And Nissa Sabyan Were Reportedly Registered For Marriage, This Is The Explanation From KUA

JAKARTA - It was rumored that Ayus and Nissa Sabyan would hold a wedding in the near future. The two are even said to have registered their marriage at the Pondok Gede Religious Affairs Office (KUA), East Jakarta, where Nissa lives.
Responding to the news, Ahmad Fauzi, as the Head of KUA Pondok Gede, gave the actual facts. He explained that until now his party had not received the registration documents on behalf of Nissa Sabyan and Ayus.
"There is no data on the names of Nissa Sabyan or Khoirunnisa and Ayus or Ahmad Fairus," said Ahmad, quoted from the Indosiar YouTube channel, Saturday, February 5.
Ahmad Fauzi also added that it was confirmed that Nissa and Ayus were not legally married, because they still had to register a marriage cover letter with the Pondok Gede KUA if they were to marry in another area.
"If the marriage is outside (Pondok Gede) we only provide a marriage recommendation letter to be directed to the place of the marriage ceremony," said Ahmad.
As is known, Nissa Sabyan is rumored to be the third person in the split between Ayus and Ririe Fairus' household. Ririe sued Ayus for divorce because it was considered that her husband had an affair with a woman suspected of being Nissa.