Ahead Of Nyepi Day, Denpasar City Government Has Not Determined The Title Of 'Melasti' And 'Ogoh-Ogoh' Parade

BALI - The Denpasar City Government, Bali has yet to determine the ritual ceremony and Ogoh-Ogoh parade or giant doll ahead of the Holy Day of Silence on March 3, 2022. The City Government is still waiting for an evaluation of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

Denpasar City Regional Secretary, Ida Bagus Alit Wiradana, said the technical implementation of the 'Melasti and Ogoh-Ogoh Parade' ritual ceremony in the Nyepi Caka series of 1944 Year 2022 will be communicated and coordinated as well as possible with the relevant agencies.

"We in Denpasar are still waiting for the PPKM evaluation. This is because there has been an increase in the transmission of COVID-19 cases in the provincial capital of Bali," he said during a technical meeting for the ritual ceremony with related agencies in Denpasar, Antara, Tuesday, February 9.

The chairman of the Denpasar City Traditional Village Council, Anak Agung Ketut Sudiana added that his party was still referring to the 'paruman' decision or the previous meeting. However, this decision will be flexible according to the evaluation and determination of the PPKM level in Denpasar City.

Regarding the implementation of a series of melasti ceremonies, said Agung Sudiana, if the PPKM development is still at level 3, then an addendum (additional agreement) will be made.

However, with a technical record, it is strictly regulated to comply with the procedures set by the government and carried out in a responsible manner. "Regarding the implementation of the Ogoh-Ogoh parade, we will also wait for the PPKM evaluation after February 14," he said.

Furthermore, Agung Sudiana said, his party will also make an addendum related to this condition after February 14, 2022. We will wait for the evaluation of this PPKM how it develops. We hope that today's meeting can be a place to absorb the aspirations of all parties from Bendesa, Yowana to Pecalang.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Pasikian Yowana Denpasar City, Anak Agung Angga Harta Yana, emphasized that his party would continue to conduct an assessment of the Ogoh-Ogoh competition with the assistance of the Denpasar City Culture Service.

"The Ogoh-Ogoh Competition is technically based on the assessment that it will be carried out 'on the spot' by implementing strict health protocols and restrictions in each banjar without any parades. We are still guided by the Joint Decree during a joint meeting with the MDA some time ago, namely Decision 01 2022 is related to maintaining public order in the implementation of the Nyepi holy ritual of 1944 in Denpasar City," he said.

He said his party was ready to issue a circular to postpone the "Ogoh-Ogoh" parade if COVID-19 cases were still high during the "pengerupukan" or the night before Nyepi.