Indonesian Futures Clearing House Joins, Danareksa Becomes Holding 10 Cross-Sector State-Owned Enterprises

JAKARTA - PT Danareksa (Persero) continues to grow big. Especially after being trusted by the government to become a cross-sector BUMN Holding.

The appointment of Danareksa as a cross-sector BUMN Holding is based on Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 113 of 2021 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 25 of 1976 concerning State Equity Participation of the Republic of Indonesia for the Establishment of a Limited Liability Company (Persero) Danareksa.

Most recently, PT Clearing Futures Indonesia (KBI) has officially become part of Danareksa. This is stated in Government Regulation No. 7 of 2022, concerning the Addition of State Capital of the Republic of Indonesia to the Share Capital of the Company (Persero) PT Danareksa.

The joining of KBI made the members of Holding Danareksa Phase 1 become 10 companies. Previously, several companies had joined, such as PT Nindya Karya, PT Kawasan Industri Medan, PT Kawasan Industri Wijayakusuma, PT Kawasan Industri Makassar, PT Kawasan Berikat Nusantara, PT Balai Pustaka, PT Asset Management Company, PT Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung and PT Surabaya Industrial Estate. Rungkut.

President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero) Arisudono Soerono said the establishment of Holding Danareksa aims to develop subsidiary businesses through value creation by transforming business models, synergies, and improving the quality of human resources. Going forward, as the parent company, Danareksa will act as a coach for KBI and open access to funding both in the market and for potential new investors.

"KBI has great potential for growth, and for that we will continue to encourage KBI to carry out various business initiatives and innovations, both in the commodity futures trading sector, commodity physical market and in the Warehouse Receipt System ecosystem. We hope that in the future KBI will become engine of growth for Danareksa as the holding company," said Arisudono in an official statement, Wednesday, February 9.

President Director of PT Kliring Berjangka Indonesia Fajar Wibhiyadi supports the government's efforts to establish this Danareksa Holding. Going forward, this change in share ownership will certainly be a new era for KBI.

"In terms of operational activities, KBI will continue to carry out business activities in serving stakeholders as usual. As a Clearing House, we continue to carry out this role in accordance with existing government regulations. In addition, KBI also continues to carry out government assignments as a Warehouse Receipt Registration Center ," said Fajar.

By becoming part of Holding Danareksa, in the future the composition of 250,000 KBI shares will be divided into 249,999 Series B shares owned by Danareksa, and 1 Series A share or Dwi Warna shares which will remain owned by the Government of Indonesia. This share ownership composition shows that the government's control remains with KBI, either through Danareksa or direct control over the government's rights through Dwi Warna shares.

Fajar added that by becoming a part of Holding Danareksa, the Indonesian Embassy targets performance to continue to grow. The futures trading industry and warehouse receipts in Indonesia have great potential for growth.

For 2022, various business initiatives have already started, and some are currently in preparation. The initiation includes the role of KBI as a Clearing House in the Digital Gold Physical Market, a Clearing House in Crypto Asset Trading, as well as the preparation of KBI as a Carbon Trading Clearing House. "In addition, KBI is also preparing to act as the Central Counterparty Clearing House," said Fajar.

Prior to becoming part of Holding Danareksa, KBI had successfully recorded a positive corporate performance. In the last 4 years, namely from 2017 - 2020, KBI managed to record a profit growth or Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 46.82 percent. Meanwhile, in 2021, until the third quarter of the year, KBI managed to record a net profit of Rp. 70.9 billion, or grew by 55.49 percent from the acquisition in the same period in 2020, which was Rp. 45.6 billion.

"After becoming part of Holding Danareksa, as part of a scaled up corporation, KBI's performance is expected to improve and continue to grow," Fajar assured.