Anies: Deaths Due To COVID-19 Must Be Prevented

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan emphasized that deaths from COVID-19 must be prevented as much as possible even though the new Omicron variant is not as vicious as the Delta variant, but has a faster transmission rate. "Although this death rate is much lower than during the Delta wave, we are all aware "One death due to COVID-19 is still too many and must be prevented as much as possible," said Anies through the Instagram account @aniesbaswedan in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 9. a day and currently the COVID-19 death rate is in the range of 30 people per day.

The former Minister of Education and Culture explained that the lower death rate could be due to several factors, including the nature of the Omicron variant which is not as vicious as the Delta variant. Not only that, but also vaccination and immunity factors for Jakarta residents, which are much higher than last year. However, most cases of death are still dominated by residents who have not received the full dose of vaccination. For this reason, Anies invites the public to complete the vaccination, including the third dose (booster). the second wave. 'Although the 'fatality rate' is lower, if the number of cases doubles, the absolute number of deaths can still be as high as the second wave. We have to prevent this together," he said. Previously, the Central Government raised the status of Jakarta PPKM to level three so that community mobility and activities can be suppressed to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. thousand or soared significantly when compared to Sunday, February 6, with the addition of daily cases reaching 15,825 cases. second wave.