PKS President Shares 'Honest' Brand Cooking Oil To Bekasi Residents, Who Is The Producer?
JAKARTA - PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu gave free cooking oil to residents of Kayuringin, South Bekasi, last Sunday, February 6. What is interesting is the brand of cooking oil that is distributed.
According to Syaikhu, this activity is intended to help people who are experiencing difficulties due to the high price of cooking oil in the market.
"This is to help residents. They are really facing a difficult situation with the skyrocketing cooking oil prices," Syaikhu said, quoted from the party's official website, Tuesday, February 8.
The former deputy mayor of Bekasi said that mothers or mothers screamed because cooking oil was unaffordable to buy. Meanwhile, the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is still being felt.
Even though the government has set a price. However, the stock on the market continues to run out.
"Mothers screamed. They were restless. Moreover, economically they were still affected by the Covid-19 outbreak," said Syaikhu again.
This assistance has not yet reached many residents. But Syaikhu hopes that this can be the first step so that similar activities can be carried out more massively.
"This is really not much. And I hope it will serve as a starting point for similar activities elsewhere by other community groups," explained Syaikhu.
The resident who received free cooking oil with the "Honest" brand expressed his gratitude to Syaikhu. However, the producer of this cooking oil did not explain.
"Thank you, Mr. Ustadz Syaikhu. We really need this," said several mothers.
The Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Oke Nurwan, admitted that the one-price cooking oil policy of Rp. 14,000 per liter was not optimal. This is because the policy actually creates a shortage of supply in the market.
The Ministry of Trade, continued Oke, sniffed out the supply leak because producers prioritized the export market after the one-price cooking oil policy was set on January 19. The government immediately evaluates the one-price policy even though it has only been going on for two weeks.
As is known, the price policy using the subsidy mechanism of the Oil Palm Plantation Fund Management Agency or BPDPKS was originally set to last for the next six months.